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Buying Fruits & Vegetables Local vs Organic – Which is Better?

Buying Local

When it comes to buying local, I often tell my clients to think of it this way, would you rather eat nice plump, fully ripened fruits & veggies that were picked at the peak of ripeness just a few days before you buy them at your local farmers market?

OR would you prefer to eat fruits & vegetables that were picked long before they were ripened, only to sit on a truck for a day, or two, or three, or a week before they show up at your local grocery store ‘looking’ ripe?

Hmmm, well I know which one I would choose. 🙂

Buying local produce that has had less handling and shorter transportation distances that allow the fruits and vegetables to be picked from their mother plant when they are naturally ripened and filled with all the nutrients that nature intended is definitely the preferred option.

Your body will respond much better to the naturally ripened, nutrient-rich local produce, so you will want to chose this option as often as possible. 

That said, I recognize that many of us live in places where local produce just isn't available all year long.  I live in Canada and the majority of our produce comes from USA, Mexico, even South Africa and Australia in the winter time (how long has that produce been on the truck?).

So you may not have a choice at certain times of the year, but when you can I definitely recommend buying local produce.

The best part is you are also supporting your local farming community.

Buying Organic

While it's true organic produce is more expensive, if you think of it in terms of your long-term health and wellness, it's hard to argue the fact that feeding your body the best quality foods will contribute to better overall health and longevity.

And… the healthier you are, the lower your overall healthcare costs will be! 

As Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. 

I say, invest in how we nourish our bodies rather than invest in the pills and remedies that doctors prescribe to ‘bandaid' ailments.  

Be proactive with your health!

That said, I am also a firm believer that we all need to live within our means/budget. 

If you aren't able to buy everything organic, one way to help is through the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen chart.

 This chart provides a list of fruits & veggies that are highest (dirty) and lowest (cleaner) in pesticides.  

There are a number of fruits and veggies that have fewer pesticide impact, so if you have to choose what items to buy organic or not, the list will help you make an informed decision.

Download the list and store in your wallet or on your phone so you have it for quick reference.


Which is better, local vs organic? 

There is no denying that if you wish to be proactive with your health it is best to buy both local and organic produce, as much as you can.

Buying the most nutrient-rich produce you can find, that fits within your budget, is the best approach to support your long-term health & wellness.

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