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Healthy Seed Bread (Recipe Video)


When we first changed our diet to bring back health & balance to our bodies, we missed bread, but what we missed most was rye bread.  Myself being Danish and my husband German, rye bread was definitely a staple in our home.

We tried dozens of different recipes, and landed on this adapted version which we now make at least once a week (sometimes twice a week).

Hubby eats most of it (no really!), I will only enjoy every couple of days.

My favourite way to enjoy is toasted and topped with avocado, olive oil, salt & pepper. We also love with our weekend brunch with fried eggs, omelettes or egg cake. Oh I also love toasted with raw almond butter…. Oh Oh, and we also use for croutons, chop in cubes, toss with olive oil & garlic and bake until crispy... perfect on caesar salad (or any salad ready). 

This Healthy Seed Bread only has about 2 net carbs per serving, so you can easily enjoy 1 slide with (for example) avocado as a snack. If you are in actively trying to lose weight, I would limit to one slice/day. One slice is the same as having nuts/seeds for a snack, and I usually recommend to have no more than one servings of nuts/seeds each day. That said, since every "body" is different, see what works for you. If your weight loss slows down or stalls, then cut back on the bread. 


Healthy Seed Bread

Makes: 16-20 slides.



  1. Preheat the oven to 350F (175C) degrees
  2. Pulse 1 cup of the pumpkin seeds in a food processor (I've love my Cuisinart) or blender (I love my Blendtec) until finely chopped. It should be medium-coarse flour consistency.
  3. In a large mixing bowl add the ground pumpkin seed with the remaining pumpkin seeds, psyllium husks, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, and salt. Stir until well mixed/blended together.
  4. Stir in the warm water and olive oil, and stir until well blended.
  5. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper
  6. With a spatula press the bread dough into the loaf pan, do in batches/layers to remove air pockets
  7. Bake for 45 minutes.
  8. Take the loaf pan out of the oven. Remove the loaf from the pan and put the loaf on a baking sheet pan so the top is down and bake for another 15 minutes.
  9. The bread is done when you tap on it and it sounds hollow inside.
  10. Cool completely and then slice into 16-20 pieces. I like thin slices.

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