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5 Ways to Love Your Gut for Women Over 50

5 Ways to Love Your Gut For Women Over 50

Love Your Gut ~ Do you believe your overall health is based on your gut health? What about allergies, aches & pain, and your moods - are they related to gut health?

You probably guessed the answer is a resounding "yes!"

The health of your gut affects every area within your body.

I repeat...

The health of your gut affects EVERY area within your body!

The more you LOVE YOUR GUT, the healthier our overall mind & body will be.  Check out my 5 TIPS to help you Love your Gut!

1. You are not what you eat, you are what you digest!

These days most people tend to have problems with digestion and this is for good reason. In general, we eat too many processed foods, don't move enough (or at all) and are stressed for a good portion of our day. All of this can lead to digestive problems. Digestive problems are the root cause of many diseases and food intolerances.

Having digestive problems is not something you should be ashamed of but rather, something you should take seriously. A change of lifestyle is the most efficient way to get your digestion back on track so you can absorb all the good nutrients of your food to get you feeling your best!

Before you eat, stop and check to see if the food you are about to consume is anti-inflammatory, fibre rich and full of beneficial nutrients. If it’s not, then chances are it’s going to hinder your health and cause yourself digestive distress.

It’s time to love your gut again!

2. Chew Your Food Properly

Did you know that digestion begins in your mouth with chewing your food properly? Most people chew each mouthful only 5-10 times resulting in food that isn’t broken down enough. For your body to absorb nutrients and break down enzymes in the food you eat, your mouthful of food should become liquid before it is swallowed.

It is recommended that you chew every mouthful of food a minimum of 20-30 times before swallowing so it becomes liquid and therefore easier to digest. By doing so your body will be able to maximize the nutritional benefits to support your digestive system, get healthier and maybe even lose some weight along the way!

It’s important to remember that when eating, try to avoid distractions such as watching TV, playing a game, answering emails or reading the newspaper so that you can sit and really focus on chewing your food.

Be mindful of what you eat and how you eat. Not only will you enjoy your food more, but your body and digestive system will also benefit.

Your gut will love you for it!

3. Time to Eat Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are a real superfood for your gut and digestion because they are full of beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins and various strains of probiotics. Probiotics are the good bacteria that keep your gut healthy and maintain a healthy body.

Natural fermentation breaks the food down to a more digestible form which in turn, supports the good bacteria population. Try to experiment with different fermented foods and include them into your daily diet such as Kimchi, Kefir and Miso! When purchasing fermented foods make sure the sugar content is very low so as not to throw off your blood sugar/insulin levels.

A few others you might want to try:

  • Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha
  • Kefir
  • Pickles
  • Miso
  • Lassi
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Yogurt

4. It's time to eat real food again!

The most essential part of loving your gut and getting your digestive health back on track is to eat real food! Try to eliminate processed foods from your diet as much as possible as these burn out the digestive tract and cause bad bacteria to over populate your system.

The easiest way to support your digestion is to eat real, fresh whole foods (preferably organic produce and grass-fed/pasture raised/wild caught proteins whenever possible) that are packed full of vitamins, fibre, antioxidants, enzymes without artificial colours, preservatives and unnatural chemicals.

Our bodies are not meant to process artificial foods made in a lab that are difficult to digest. We are designed to eat and absorb real food grown from the ground! Have you had something fresh and nutritious today?

5. Let's Get Moving

Sitting down and being still for long periods of time not only affects your mood, your energy level and your weight in a negative way, but it also has a negative effect on your digestion. If you struggle with digestive distress in any way, then keep reading…

It’s time to move your body! Exercise helps to stimulate intestinal contractility and speeds up your digestion process. This means getting up and moving your body (even lightly) for a minimum of 15 minutes a day.

For good digestive (and of course, overall) health, try to aim for around 20-30 minutes of light movement such as yoga, walking or swimming. These additional movements in the body can help your digestive system to operate more smoothly.

After all, a happy tummy is a Healthy Happy YOU!

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